Hidden Treasure
a closely guarded secret
Another thing about the Orda Cave is the legend about gold hidden in the rocks. Local people do not like to talk about it and treat it like a closely guarded secret. It is true in certain places under the ceiling of the cave look like a yellow shimmering stain on the rock but unfortunately, they don’t seem to be gold.
In several places of the Orda Cave there are dry rooms in which you can emerge and rest on the rock. When the water level in the Kungur River adjacent to the Orda Cave is low, the same happens in the cave. When this happens the rock formations suspended from the ceiling become heavy, break off and fall to the bottom. This happens most often in spring and autumn. The Ordynska Cave is now a popular place for cave diving training. Pascal Barnabe is here regularly. The place is also adored by underwater photographers, with many publications featuring the beauty of the cave. The article is based on the presentation of Dr Andrey Bizyukin and is a summary of the lecture that took place on February 28, 2015, which was part of Nurges at the Underwater Adventure Diving Fair. Dr Andrey Bizyukin arrived at the invitation of the Nautilus Diving Center.